Terrace Road South
RG42 4DS
estate agent, mortgage, property sales, property finder, property rentals, property lettings
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About Us
An agent for all seasons... In their first advert to the public, david cliff said 'we want to bring a level of service and presentation not yet achieved in this area' and although many of their competitors questioned this statement, it's been proven true as their huge presence in the local property market is clear for all to see.
The main company ethos was to offer a different style of estate agency, concentrating on the clients individual needs and giving them a style of service which was personal to them, not a 'one rule for all' approach. They firmly believed that there was a need and a want for this standard of service and many of you have confirmed their thoughts with testimonials and your thank you cards always on display in the office.
Leading the way?...we kinda think so but you decide, and then let us know
Mortgage Advice If you need a mortgage David Cliff Estate Agents recommend you take Financial Advice. Independent Mortgage Consultants, who can access all available mortgage schemes in the marketplace, so you can be confident that you have a mortgage tailored to suit your personal circumstances.
Location If you are in thinking of selling or letting your property, or indeed are currently on the market but not receiving the service or response you expected, maybe it’s time to contact David Cliff.